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Monday, June 6, 2011

Watch Out World

Lexi's Graduated!!

I am so extremely proud of my little sister. She has already accomplished so much, she graduated High School with just one semester shy of her associates degree in nursing which she will have the end of fall semester. She is truly an amazing, loving, caring and true person. I couldn't be more proud and blessed to have her as my sister..

Lexi heading off to Graduate!
Yep that is the entire LSRVHS Graduating Class of 2011
Love them more than words can say!!
*Proud Parents*
Lex, Me & Cierra
~Love you girls~
Lexi & Chase at the Graduation BBQ

Delani, Lex & Cierra piggin out
How cute is this cake!!
Cutting the cake

Congrats Lex!
You are going to do great things in life, reach for the stars***
You are one in a million!

1 comment:


aww!! soo sweet! way to go lex!